Monday, July 20, 2009

There is a "BABY JONES" on the way!!! :-)

We have some exciting news - we are EXPECTING! "Baby Jones" is scheduled to arrive on January 25, 2010!!!! Currently, I am 13 weeks pregnant & the first trimester is officially over. I've experienced some nausea and been really tired, but I am hoping the stories are true & that the 2nd trimester is going to be a pleasant one. We shall see! :-)
I'll be sure to keep our blog updated with baby progress, so check back soon!


Gayle from Southern Thresholds said...

Isn't this the most exciting news ever?

Anonymous said...

yay!Congrats! That was hard to keep that secret for that long, wasn't it? haha

Kim said...

January, huh? Maybe I should go ahead and start looking for cheap flights in February! Can't wait to follow your updates!

MandyPaige said...

Yea Keely! January babies are going to rule the world one day...Im right there with ya! And funny thing is, Ive been fine this whole time and now that im out of the first trimester...NOW Im nauseous and crampy...YUCK! Good luck and keep me updated!