Sunday, January 27, 2008

Spin Class = PAINFUL

Jason and I attended a Spin Class at the gym today. For those that have never had the pleasure of experience Spinning, it is basically 45 minutes of pedaling a stationary exercise bike while the instructor tells you to pedal faster, pedal uphill and stand up and pedal. (for more info, visit Sounds fun, huh?

Spinning class requires that you be somewhat cardio-fit. I should let you in on a secret, I am not in shape at all. Besides my weekly dance class and the occasional trip to Curves, I do not get much exercise (until now!) Needless to say, this class nearly killed me. My legs hurt, my hands hurt (from bearing down on the handlebars) and yep, you guessed it, my butt hurts too! Lord only knows how I will feel tomorrow....

Jason, on the other hand, handled the class fine. It actually looks like he has been taking Spin classes everyday behind my back! He pedaled along barely breaking a sweat as I gulped down my water (then half of his) and seriously thought I may pass out and have a heart attack! The only part of the class that I excelled at was the stretching at the end. That's right, Mama & Daddy, the thousands that you spent on dance lessons were not a waste, I am an expert when it comes to flexibility! :-)

The one positive - anything that hurts this bad HAS to produce results!!!Tomorrow night we try a Zumba class. Not 100% sure what it is, but apparently it combines Latin dance moves with aerobics. Hopefully I'll do better at that, stay tuned for the full report!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Halfway through Accounting - WHOO HOO!

Today marks the halfway point of my "Accounting for the Contemporary Manager" class!!! For those that are not aware, I am currently taking classes towards my MBA at Baker College. The classes are accelerated 6-weeks courses, and this particular class combines both Managerial and Financial Accounting. Accounting is by far my weakest subject, so I have been struggling (and complaining a lot) :-) I found a tutor who I met with for the first time today - we finished my homework in a little over an hour!!! (usually it takes me several days to complete it) Definitely money well spent, I may end up with a good grade after all!

My next class will be Information Systems - that should be a breeze since I am a computer junkie and I worked for Cisco for 3 years :-) I'll keep you posted on my MBA progress, and may even use the blog for future class surveys, input, etc.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It snowed ..... again!

It snowed again today; we got 3 inches. In NC or VA this type of weather would cause the usual rush to the grocery store for bread & milk, school would be cancelled and work would be done from home or at least delayed a few hours.

Not in Michigan - life goes on as if nothing has fallen from the sky! I still find myself feeling that excitement that it will be a "snow day", only to realize a moment later that we no longer reside in the south. Oh, the good ole days!

I would have taken pictures for everyone ..... but yep, you guessed it, I was at WORK! Maybe I'll get some pics tomorrow since it will most likely be snowing AGAIN....

Monday, January 21, 2008

Welcome to our blog!

Since we are currently living far away from friends and family, I decided to put together a blog to keep everyone posted on what's happening with us.

So far 2008 has been busy - Jason is still working around the clock to recruit and enlist young men & women into the U.S. Marines. I am working as an Admissions Rep for Ross Medical Education Center and continuing my MBA classes. Currently I am struggling through my accounting course. Jason & I joined the local gym (it is open 24 hours so maybe we can actually go!).

It is FREEZING here in Michigan .... tempuratures are around 10 degrees, and it's only supposed to get colder!!! We can't wait for Spring to arrive .... hopefully as the warmer weather gets here we'll have more visitors. That's all for now - stay tuned for more updates soon!